Sunday, September 30, 2012

Munichburg 2012

Saturday we had our booth at the Old Munichburg Oktoberfest in Jefferson City. We couldn't have ordered better weather. It was a cool crisp morning with a nice comfortable afternoon. The crowd was great. The guys enjoyed their on-tap beer, I loved my apple strudel, the kids  enjoyed their white chocolate covered marshmallows rolled in mini M & M's, Lori enjoyed  her chocolate covered cheesecake on a stick, and Jeremy enjoyed his huge caramel covered apple with pecans. Our lunch of grilled hamburgers and/or Jamaica pork steaks with rice were awesome too. 

Here the guys work on a project together. The blacksmith says his new little grinder is Jim-dandy! 

Shortly after we got set up, the basket maker across the street from us asked if he could have a special tool made. This is how it finished out. 

Here is Mike Yeoman working on his rye grass baskets. Notice his shoes!  His baskets were beautiful! He does museum quality work. 

His wife was working on a hand appliqued quilt. The applique pieces were wool, some of which she dyed with Kool-Aid! She tells me that when you dye the wool in a dish in the microwave for 5 minutes, the water comes out clear and all the color soaks into the wool. This will only work with animal fibers. 

 Alex loves to help his Grandpa. Luckily both boys had brought their child size safety glasses along. 

Here Alex shows off one the S hooks he made. 

 It seems both boys like Grandpa's little grinder too. 

 Jeremy enjoying his mega sized caramel apple. 

 Brady enjoying his white chocolate covered marshmallows. 

Lizzie is wearing her daddy's safety glasses as she checks out the grinder too. 

Life is good!


  1. I've never before seen such a huge caramel apple!
    We had a grinder that was treadle powered on the farm when I was growing up. We all loved to play with it--even if we were just "sharpening" twigs!

  2. Wish I had known you were going to be in Jeff. City for this festival -- that would have made a good day trip for me and DH. It was a great weekend weather wise. Sounds like a lot of fun. I HAVE seen caramel apples that big -- from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory at the lake. Yummy

  3. It looks like you had a perfect day and sharing it with family made it even more special.

  4. You had me at the food!
    Glad you had a nice weekend. :)

  5. Glad you had a good show, we did too, up in Indiana. I have never done a show in your parts, I would like to some day.

  6. Sounds like a good show! I'm loving this cooler weather, it was wonderful this weekend. And, I'm seeing some color in the trees...yay!

  7. All that food is making me hungry even though I just had spaghetti for dinner!

    I bet a grandchild or two will follow in the blacksmith's footsteps.

    We had beautiful weather last weekend, too. I am hoping for the same this weekend so I can go on a Sunday fall color ride.

  8. I do believe you are safety glasses poor! That is an interesting little tool BT made. I can see how it might be useful for basket making. We wanted to go to Munichburg - we almost alway do - but had a wedding to go to. Oh well, maybe next year!

  9. I'm glad it was a good day for you! Because I had to stay in the OMA booth all day, I didn't get a chance to stroll the festival--I'm glad there were so many good food vendors! Each year I tell myself I'm gonna get some of that Jamaican jerk chicken, but I always end up with a brat (if anything) out of a sense of obligation! I'm also glad there were so many good artists and craftsmen. Did you have good sales? I hope so! I'm glad I got to chat with you for a few moments, anyway...!

