Thursday, November 22, 2012

A day of giving thanks

We missed these 2 and 8/9's guys not being with us today. We did a little face-timing with them, and a few phone calls. They both had the traditional thanksgiving food at their TV stations. It would have been nice if we all could have been together.

Our first chore of the day was to get some blackberry jelly made. I also made 48 pecan and pumpkin pies for dessert.

I once again used my Beistle vintage honeycomb decorations. 

Someone sure enjoyed the pumpkin pies. Grandpa helped her out with a little extra whipped cream!

Hope you all had a blessed day.


  1. So I am curious, why would the first chore be to make blackberry jelly on Thanksgiving day...I get the 48 pies (they look scrumptious and if I were there the little one could have my share of whipped cream too!, I don't care for it much, like pies plain)...but making blackberry jelly seems like an awful lot of work on a day full of cooking! Just wondering:)

    It looks like you had a wonderful day even if your son and daughter in law were not able to be there.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your family, and I sure am glad we have met through "blog world"! More for me to be thankful for:)

  2. Looks like a good Thanksgiving, Patti. I'm with Lise, why blackberry jelly making on Thanksgiving day? That would have been the last thing on my list (and that list was very long..)

  3. All I can say is you must be super organized to be able to make jam on Thanksgiving!

    It sure looks like those kids enjoyed those pies! I know I would ~ extra whipped cream please!

    Have a wonderful day!

