Tuesday, November 13, 2012

It's deer season

I know I've been a little slack in posting. You see I've been at deer camp every evening. The women go for the "food".

Hanging out inside our cozy little cabin with a fire going, has me slacking in the picture taking department. But I can tell you Friday night's menu was Ham and beans, fried potatoes with onions, and cornbread.  Saturday, Dan the man, did his killer BBQ ribs.  Along with them we had coleslaw, Lutz's fried potato chips (made fresh locally), and strawberry cheesecake. 

Sunday as the cold set in it was homemade potato soup and my iron skillet pineapple upside cake. Monday, since it was a day off for me, I did the cooking at home and hauled it all down there. It was Pork tacos, slow cooked all day in the crock pot. Along with those I made pinto beans and spanish rice. Monday night we were served turnip kraut cooked with polish sausage and potatoes. 

Now you see why us women go for the "food"!

 Some days are tiring at deer camp. 

 Here he's wide awake and staying out of the strong winds to hunt from inside the barn.

Just a few years ago there were no phones or I Pods at deer camp. This night there were seven iPhone/ipods clicking away.  I was even able to connect to the internet with my new iPod using a "hot spot".

After playing on the iphone, someone gave Lizzie an iPad.  With big eyes, she said "that's a big one". Away she played.

 There is some quality  time too.

 Of course there have been some deer harvested. Here Pat shows off his big one, an eight pointer. 

Only to be out done by big brother, here the blacksmith shows off his 10 pointer. 

Hopefully soon the son and 2 grand sons will have some to show off too. Good luck guys!


  1. Such a gorgeous setting! The hunting is all around our little place....1800 acres of public DNR land which, normally, is quite (people) quiet, except for the horseback riding trails! I don't much care for winter but this Fall/Autumn weather has been wonderful! And yummy food doesn't hurt, either!!! LOL!

  2. Deer season is in full swing in Arkansas too--my family (including some of the women) hunt. When I'm home during this time I enjoy going to the deer camp for the food, too!

  3. My men are deer hunters, but they aren't very dedicated (meaning that they only hunt when nothing else comes up!). But if they had a cool looking deer camp like you do . . . . . .

  4. Your deer camp looks so awesome! And what a menu...and then there's the 8 and 10 pointers, now those will make really good eatin'! I hope you harvest many more:)

  5. Couldn't resist tooting my horn...I come from the Hunter family(name) such as Catfish Hunter (baseball great), Rachel Hunter (actress)& why yes, we love to hunt too :) Hope you catch that 30 point buck!!!

  6. 10 pointer........whoa.....nice!

    How do you keep your great figure eating all that wonderful food!!??

    Deer season begins tomorrow in Michigan. My DH is not a hunter, but his brothers are. They would probably faint if they got a 10 pointer like your blacksmith got.

  7. Shane went out last Saturday morning, but no luck. Sunday it was raining all day, so that hunt was cancelled. He's going out tomorrow afternoon and all of this weekend, so hopefully we'll have venison soon.

    I LOVE the deer camp menu. Every meal sounded delicious!

  8. Women are not invited to my husband's deer camp but I'm pretty sure not even the food would entice me to go down there! :) blessings, marlene
