Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas 2012

Christmas for us started with mass at 5 o'clock on Christmas Eve. Church was packed. The young grade school kids made up the choir. It was so sweet. You could hear it in their voices when they came to a line they knew really well.

We then went to an open house at Marla and Ted's, the blacksmith's sister and her husband. It was quite a house full.   Mom and 7 of 8 of her married kids and spouses were there. 13 of the 21 grand kids came, some with kids of their own, some with their spouse, or  some with their friends. It was a house full. There was food of every variety, freshly fried egg rolls, crab rangoon, tacos dips, little smokies, jello gigglers, cheese balls, delicious hand made turtles, Mom's peach pie, dips, spreads and so much more.

Marla even set up a play room for her great nieces to play in.  Here Ms. Lizzie is enjoying her picnic. Isn't this the cutest stove you've ever seen. It was made by Marla's late father in law about 20 years ago for his grand daughter Jessica.  A great time was had by all. Thanks, Marla and Ted for opening up your house.

Christmas started at our house mid afternoon on Christmas Day. I always like to set my table with the china. It's fun to make memories for the little ones.  However, this might be a memory for me. I served potato chips in a china bowl!  Now that might be a first. 

Here three of the 4 grand kids pose for a picture, while Grandpa is setting up Skype with the newest grandson in the next state over.

Grandpa and his 4 besties! (One via Skype.)

Sarah and Rusty had shirts and hats made just for the guys! These were a big hit!!

I had made outfits for Lizzie and her doll. They too were big hits. 

Lizzie and Holly liked their outfits, even if Daddy though they were a bit hippie. 

Little baby Connor got to model his birthday suit for his Christmas outfit. He is growing so fast!

Somebody downloaded this app to make a Santa pose. The kids did a great job pretending. 

I hope you all had a great Christmas! I know we sure did.


  1. Love, love, love!! 'Twas a very special Christmas post filled with lots of wonderful memories made. You and BT have the most adorable grands ever. I'm saving that stove picture for future use (will that ever happen for us???). :) Merry Christmas.. Happy New Year to you and your wonderful family. -Tammy

  2. I love Lizzy's and Holly's matching outfits, and the t-shirts are great, too.

    Looks like you had a wonderful holiday!

  3. Your holiday looks like it was filled with wonderful memories. I especially like the matching outfits that the little girls had with their dolls. Too cute.

  4. Those matching outfits are so cute! What an adorable first Christmas pic for baby C, too.

  5. Sounds like your day was perfect and everyone had a grand is everything!!! Mountain Man and I had a great Christmas Eve and Day together, but now I am on the river waiting for the girls and Liam! I am so impatient, I just can't wait!
