Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I got some thing(s) new!

I love them!

Today I got nice surprise package all the way from Australia. Cathy and I met on line years ago on a quilt forum. We exchange gifts every year. Hers comes around Christmas. A few years ago I switched from Christmas to July, for her birthday month. 

She always remembers my grand kids. This year was no exception. She has sent me many beautiful Australian fabrics featuring their plants and birds. This year she included a hand made quilted bag she made. Did you notice the fat quarters? That is what we Americans call them. They call them fat flats. 

Last week we met up with our friends Margie and Phil. On a previous evening, Phil and I had been chatting on Facebook.  He had butchered a beef that day. I mentioned to him, now they would have some really good soup bones. He couldn't believe that they were no longer available for purchase in grocery stores. They were so kind to share their freshly butchered beef with us. 

On the same day that we visited with Margie and Phil, we were also with our friend Mara. She gave me a goody bag of awesome embroidery threads for my machine. From the little I've used my new machine so far, I have learned that the thread makes all the difference in the world!

And then there's my bestest friend forever, my hubby of almost 43 years.
Today he bought a Hemi for me! It is a 2013 Ram 1500 series. It has been voted "truck of the year" by Motor Trend. 

It was kind of sad to say good bye to my chili pepper red Jeep. It's been such a friend to me for 13 years, never an ounce of trouble. 

My new friend Ted, the truck salesman, was real proud of his thank you gift. Libby made these for him, which we believe was his wife. He talked about her like she was half of his sales team. There is a Hersey bar under that fancy wrap. 

So I am very blessed to have all these friends in my life. 

Life is good!


  1. Fabric, soup bones and a new truck. It doesn't get any better than that!

  2. You lucky lady! That fabric from Australia is so different and cool. Can't wait to see what you do with it. Interesting bag, too.

    Soup bone! I'd be tickled pink too.

    And then the Hemi... Jim had to come check that out. You are going to be hitting every festival around with that beauty!

  3. Wow - you've got some great friends! I love the new truck, and you even got some soup bones - thread you can buy but bones, what a gift! blessings, marlene

  4. Nice loot, there, especially the truck!

    I have to disagree about the beef soup bones, though. I saw them at our Price Chopper just the other day. $1.39 a pound.

  5. Woot! Nice goodies.. and super nice (pickin'?) truck!! -Tammy

  6. Very nice gifts! And that is a great looking truck. Have fun with it!

  7. Love the truck and jealous! Though I love my 2004 Jeep and have no desire(nor $)) for a new vehicle. Though if I did a truck would be cool.

  8. Lucky you!!! Such good friends and husband too:) Love all your new treasures, and the are goin' to be rockin' in that new truck!!!

  9. Looks like you're going to have fun with fabric! Nice wheels too!

  10. What a great stash of "new" things. You deserve everyone of them and more.
