Thursday, April 25, 2013

Phyllis's quilts

I lost my friend Phyllis to brain cancer December 2011. She made some beautiful quilts. Whenever a niece would graduate from high school, she would present them with a hand made quilt. Her last niece, Summer will graduate this May.  She too will be presented with an Aunt Phyllis quilt.

I hand quilted this for Phyllis's husband Tom and he will carry the tradition on. Tom found the completed top in the sewing room and asked if I would quilt it for him.

As a result of me quilting Summer's quilt, Tom gave me this Christmas quilt. Phyllis had started it. She did all her quilting in a lap hoop. The entire top was basted together. I wasn't sure if it would work out in my big free standing frame or not. Once I got in pinned in, it worked just fine. So now I too have a Phyllis quilt.

My friend Maggie, gifted me with yards and yards of fabric. In it, I found this preprinted panel. I added the borders and machine quilted it. I have it for sale for $60.

This embroidered quilt top was in a stash of quilts my mother made. I machine quilted it too. Mother will be gifting it to her new great grand daughter due in May.

I have more quilts that I am finishing up, so I will keep you posted.


  1. I'm sorry for the loss of your friend Phyllis, she's lucky to have a friend like you to help carry her quilt gifting tradition on! And I must say, you are quite talented, I love your quilts, and all that you've shown. Can't wait to see what you are finishing!

  2. So wonderful that the tradition of your friend could continue...with assistance and how special that you received such a treasure! You have been very busy...all are lovely! Hugs, Doreen

  3. You not only were a good friend to Phyllis, but are obviously continuing to be one to her husband. Beautiful quilts. Love how you did the world one.

  4. You are such a busy girl, and you do so much for so many. Whatever that coffee brew is that you drink.. I want some! ;) These are all beautiful! -Tammy

  5. All of your quilts are beautiful!

    I'm working on my first little quilt-y thing and hope to have it finished by the end of the month. I don't know if I'm brave enough to blog about it, though, after seeing all of your quilts.
