Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Busy times

 I really need to get my act together and start blogging a little more regularly.

My husband's niece got married the other day. It was a beautiful spring day in
Mid-Missouri.  The granddaughter did really well in her first of 3 weddings this spring.

Mother embroidered this quilt top several years ago. I set it together and machine quilted it. She will be getting a new Great Grand daughter any day now.

I could not make the shower for baby Eden, but I still sent my gift. I wish I would have taken a picture of the backing. It was a beautiful paisley fabric with pale greens and pinks.

I have been sewing up gift bags for friends. Here are two . . .well 2 and a third (of which I can't show, it hasn't been delivered yet). These are really easy to make, I just sew on a vintage hankie and add trim. Hobby Lobby has canvas that works well.

What does this pile of work shirts mean?  If I wear one a day for the next days I work, what happens after that????  I'm out of there.  Almost a quarter century at the same job. It's time to retire and relax with the blacksmith! My last day is August 2. I work 2 more days in May, 7 in June, 11 in July, and one in August. Happy Retirement to me!


  1. Happy Retirement, Patti! Well deserved! And I'll take a bag!

  2. Happy Retirement! New things ahead.
    Are you working so few days because of lots of vacation days left? (So you can celebrate those too!)

  3. Happy retirement for sure! I highly recommend it!

  4. Yea Patti, congratulations on your upcoming retirement. Quilts and bags look great, you are a very talented gal.

  5. I guess I get the "all clear" to blog my special item which I love? :) I sure wish you'd get with it, Sister, and blog more.. lol! I mean, really, what have you been doing?! :D The quilts are beautiful, as is the bride and her special attendant, and congrats on your upcoming retirement! Now you can really cut loose! -Tammy

  6. Oh my gosh, retirement! Yeah for you girl! That's not to take away from your beautiful quilts and bags, but come on, retirement?! Woo hoo! So when we see each other while you're near my part of the woods, lets celebrate!!! Cheers to Patti:)

  7. Retirement--congratulations!

    Nice tote bags--love the hankie idea. Lucky baby Eden to get that colorful quilt. I know she will love it.

  8. Retirement!! You can't beat it. Congratulations......jc

  9. Sorry I haven't been around to visit your blog (or anyone else's) for a while. Congrats on your upcoming retirement!
