Saturday, June 29, 2013

Garden fresh

14 jars of our first garden bliss. There is plenty more to  come.

An evening of someone singing in the rain will make the garden happy too!


  1. I have a picture of Liam very similar to this one, love it so much! Nothing like the joy of a child to bring a smile to your face:) Do you have a special recipe for your beans? I just spotted our first bean today, but I anticipate having lots! Hope you are both/all well my friend!

  2. Your garden is way ahead of mine. But then we did have to replant due to all the rains earlier. Now if the deer will just leave it alone. Your little g'daughter is a cutie singin' in the rain.

  3. Just did my first batch of strawberry jam - EVER!!! Your beans look great! I love this time of year!

    We've been doing a lot of singing in the rain in the Northeast!!!

    Have a wonderful week!

  4. blogged about you today, finally!! Your garden is leaps & bounds ahead of ours.. my scrubby li'l beans are just now blooming. Love the pic of that pretty little girl!! -T

  5. I shelled half a bushel of purple hull peas yesterday for the freezer but darn it, didn't get green beans again! I'm going back Monday to see what I can find to can. :) blessings, marlene

  6. Just picking our first cukes and zucchini -- beans should be along soon!
