Thursday, June 6, 2013

The last week at John C. Campbell Folk School

My second week at the Folk School was spent just hanging out. The blacksmith was assisting in a class and I would be visiting with friends and enjoying the scenery.

This shows part of the path that I would walk everyday from the Keith house to the blacksmith shop. 

One afternoon there were about 17 of us that went to a wine tasting at Cherokee Cellars in downtown Murphy.

Tuesday evening I watched Chitter and Chatter dance in the Keith house. 

 One of the blacksmithing students gave my blacksmith a 5 leaf clover!

This is the Olive D. Campbell dining hall where we ate our meals. As my friend Rita would say, "It's all in the presentation". 

In the Davidson Hall the time travel cooking class was using the open hearth. The recipes and the equipment were from the 18th century.

 That's one large fireplace!

 I'd stop in for a listen occasionally at the intermediate mountain dulcimer class.

With just 3 students in the wood turning class, instructor Charles Watson had plenty of time to work with each of them. 

Here are some samples of his work. 

One night Charles did a demonstration on turning a bowl. The next day I was asking Charles why he didn't raffle the bowl. He wasn't happy with it he told me. I said darn I wanted to win it. 

The next morning as we waited in line for breakfast, he handed me a bag.  This is what was inside of it. Thank you so much Charles.  I will treasure my cherry bowl. 

I sure hated to see our time here come to a close. Let's just hope we get to go back real soon.


  1. That is one pretty bowl. You and your DH were so lucky to have attended such a wonderful place. I wish my DH were interested in this type of thing. I love learning new things and all of it sounded great. Thanks much for sharing with us.

  2. Patti I have so enjoyed reading your posts about the school and all that you got to made me so jealous! What a beautiful, peaceful place. And you got to meet Tipper! I've read her stuff for years. blessings, marlene

  3. What a nice souvenir the bowl is.

    Aren't you glad you don't have to cook like that every day? I am all for modern convenience!

  4. You captured everything so well! I can't wait to go back there for a class rather than just a tour, which by the way you did an awesome job of. I hope you saw the post I wrote the day after I returned from spending the day with you...I enjoyed that day so much!

  5. Fun fun : ) So glad we got to be part of it with you : )

  6. I requested the catalog. Would love to go!

  7. Whoa, I've never heard of a 5-leaf clover!
