Friday, July 19, 2013

More bags

Several weeks ago a friend from long ago (she actually served  cake at my wedding) gave me some vintage family hankies.

I just had to repay her kindness by making her and her daughter bags from those heirlooms. So Kathy got a bag with her mother in law's hankie, and Heather got one too with her Grandmother's hankie!

My latest bag project is recycling coal bags. The nylon bags have been washed several times. Once they were even washed with child labor when the kids used an antique rapid washer and a wash tub.  I am selling these for $12, all proceeds go to the Boutique for the Blacksmith Association of Missouri.  

I've been lacking in my blogging . . . blame it on a lot of family time. Many pictures will be forth coming! 


  1. I love recycled things like grain bags and COAL BAGS! Wow! Turned into totes. Your hanky bags will be cherished by your friends, I'm sure.

  2. What a wonderful time Patti - I even think I have some vintage hankies left and I KNOW I have bags....lots of bags...that could be recycled. blessings, marlene

  3. I absolutely love the bag you made for me, I will cherish it for life!!! You are developing a brand with your awesome hanky bags go girl:) And yeah for family time, there's nothing better!

  4. time I see you will you autograph mine please?

  5. Very creative, Patti



  6. I love my hankie bag, and show it off every chance I get! I adore those coal bags too. On my bucket list for sewing (with my recycled critter feed bags).. must do!
