Sunday, August 11, 2013

I am not a prepper, I am NOT a prepper, I am NOT a PREPPER!

No, we just like our food fresh from our own pantry!

Wednesday we went to the Excelsior,MO Mennonite community. We bought this 1/2 bushel of peaches for $12.

So over the weekend I put up 21 pints of peaches.  I also canned 11 pints of pinto beans and 9 pints of chili beans.  

I then rewarded us with this lovely peach pie!

I also made 5 pints of pizza sauce. I froze it in individual containers, 25 in all! Not pictured is the 6 pints of spaghetti sauce that I made at the same time. 

The blacksmith made soap the past few days. On the left is a pumice soap, similar to Lava. On the right is a mild Castile soap.

It's been a very productive weekend.

I repeat, I am not a prepper! (Not sure about the blacksmith though) We just love our fresh stuff!


  1. Wow. I am tired just reading what all you have done! You go girl!

  2. Me neither.....also just want our own food! As long as we have gas for our generator, we can power the two freezers if need has meat the other has garden produce and broths and soups! Nope, not a prepper though!

  3. That all looks so good! I so miss being able to buy from the Amish and Mennonites. You're working very hard and you're right . . it's so worth it.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I wish I had half your energy! All the canned goods look wonderful, Patti. Enjoy!

    Btw, I DID get some of those fried pies at the Amish community. They are scrumptious.

  7. In case you're wondering about the deleted comments, I only clicked once, but for some silly reason, my comment posted 3 times.

  8. Only way to live, food is both life and joy!

  9. Looks like you had a weekend like mine LOL! And about the prepper thing-hey it never hurts to err on the safe side right : )

  10. i am putting up what i can we are getting too much rain here in n. west georgia

  11. Wow, I am so impressed!!! Everything looks absolutely scrumptious:)
