Sunday, August 18, 2013

One UFO finished

I found this wall hanging in my stash of UFO's. So I machine quilted it last week. Every little diamond you see is quilted too. That's a lot of diamonds. 

In order to find some sewing and travel time I gave all these tomatoes away!

I even gave away this huge dishpan of Jalapenos. I really don't know what I would have done with them anyhow.

Here's one last picture of our purple beans, I mean green beans. I canned 5 quarts. As soon as you fill them up with hot water, the top of the jar starts turning green. One of my FB friends said all of hers came unsealed. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

More sewing and canning coming up this week!


  1. Those are beautiful beans you have there, lady! I admire women who can, it is an art, and it must be so satisfying seeing all those lovely jars of goodness standing sentinel on your pantry shelves. I love the "silhouettes" on your found quilt, naturally drawn to those, you know.

  2. Just letting you know, I have canned hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of cans of green beans. And I do not fill my jars with water. Never have. Nothing but green beans. Just sayin' :0! Have a GREAT DAY!!!!

  3. Oh I hope they stay sealed!!

  4. I love your quilt, but not sure what UFO means...? Maybe that's quilter talk, lol. I sure wish I lived closer, would loved a few of those beautiful tomatoes...ours are not faring so well. Your beans are awesome, too bad they can't retain their purple color along with the green, that would make for pretty and tasty eating!
