Saturday, August 31, 2013

Up a creek without a paddle

The morning started out great. Lizzie was so excited to take a boat ride on the Osage and play in the water. She always enjoys snack time at the island(s). You see here that she has her juice and a cheese stick. (Healthy, right mom?)  Battery trouble earlier in the week kept us from going. It gave Lizzie big crocodile tears too.

Our second stop at, "the way up the river island" was good too. She found sand, lots of shells, and more juice. We even saw an eagle crossing the water. 

But then the trouble came. The motor wouldn't start. Need I say we were about 10 miles up river from our put in location?

Now we weren't really up the creek (river) without a paddle, just without a CELL PHONE!   And so the paddling began. Thank goodness there was lots of current. 

Grandpa was the hero, as he paddled down river for about a mile. There he saw someone on the bank and he asked if they had a cell phone. Luckily they did and even luckier was that it had reception down between the bluffs. 

Who else to call but my bff, Diane. After all, she had been rescued by us from the same spot, years ago.  It would be about a 20 minute drive for her to come and get us. 

It was a nice shady spot to spend a few minutes watching the river and drinking some kool-aid.

After getting the truck and going back to retrieve the boat it was brought home for closer inspection. The battery had some corrosion on it. 

However the real culprit was a battery cable, the end had corroded off. It will be replaced today and we will be back on the river tomorrow!

Life is good!


  1. Wow, now that's an adventure!! Thank goodness for bffs! Lizzie is so dang cute ♥ -Tammy

  2. Glad ya'll didn't have to paddle the whole way back! Whew! Have fun!

  3. Lizzie is quite fashionably dressed for her boat ride. I love the pink life jacket.

    Good thing you did not have to paddle 10 miles!

  4. A day on the water is always fun. Glad the adventure had a happy ending.

  5. Making memories! That's what really matters when it comes to time with the little ones.

  6. Funny thing is, Lizzie will probably remember this trip more than others, the way grandpa saved the day paddling down the river and grandma's bff then came to the rescue! And have I said lately how cute she is? I love her life preserver)

  7. A fun day if a bit frustrating at times. :). Blessings, Marlene

  8. Don't you find it a bit ironic that you remembered your camera but not your cell phone? Priorities! No matter what, it sounds like a wonderful day.

    Can't wait til you guys are able to come see our new toy. Going to Arrow Rock State Park with Greg and Alicia Sept. 13, 14, & 15. FYI, the park has electrical hookups but no sewer. When we registered yesterday evening there were only two spots left. Crazy.

  9. Everyone should have a BFF like that!

    Re the cast iron frying pan you asked about on my blog -- it's a 14. My husband found it at a flea market almost forty years ago.
