Thursday, September 19, 2013

New Carpet!

It was time.  Time to change the carpet. For over 20 years the burgundy carpet had served us well.
However after selling the piano, and getting rid of the big screen TV we decided to brighten things up. 

Sunday we spent ripping out carpet, and sweeping up the floors. See what dark colors we had?

Now it's all fresh and bright!  Notice the new TV too? Thank you very much co-workers for the retirement gift.

 The upstairs bathroom went from dark teal to beautiful Berber. 

The small bath even got a make over.

Sometimes change is good!

Life is good!


  1. Your new carpet looks wonderful! It really does brighten up the room! :0)

  2. Very nice! I'm trying to convince the Mr that we need to paint. I feel the need for change, too. Enjoy your new floors!

  3. Looks great! Love the TV too, that's quite the retirement gift:)

    I'm looking forward to getting rid of the carpet in the's the original carpet, orange shag looking...ick! But I think we're going to go for wood floors and then throw some area rugs around.

  4. I love the new light carpet!
    I bet you are happy to have it all finished.
