Thursday, January 30, 2014

Quilt Charms for Sale!!!

It's a BIG plunge for me!

I've been sewing tiny pieces of fabric, really tiny! If you are on Facebook, you've probably seen some of my teases. 

The original plan was, I would sew these tiny blocks, and then make them into charms. However after I took a jewelry class with my friend Tammy of Flat Creek Farm, I realized I was not cut out to be a jewelry maker. 

It was by a great stroke of luck I found Angie. She makes some awesome jewelry and sells on Etsy too. We first met when we were doing a craft show in Jefferson City last fall. Shortly before Christmas she called to purchase something from the Blacksmith shop for her husband. When she came we got to talking. . .  craft shows, campers, etc.  One thing lead to another.  She told me she made jewelry.  I hired her on the spot.  Really I should say she agreed to make some charms for me.  Little did she know,  I would have  50+ for her.

Long story short, they have arrived!

(Remember click on the picture to enlarge them)

They are 1 1/2 inches square. These are two sided glass. On the back side you will see the paper piece pattern and all the tiny stitches.  Some have the pieces numbered.

As of February 8th, here are the ones left:


(If you are interested in # 6, 42, or 45 they might be available. I left them with a friend at her machine quilting shop)

Cost is $25, (plus tax if you are in Missouri). 

I can mail them Priority Mail for  $5.80. 

Cash is good, check is good.  After that it's Paypal.  In a pinch, credit cards work too.

A phone call will let you know immediately if I still have the one you like, (area code 573) Four-9-six-3-7-nine 3.  Or email me at


  1. These are awesome, Patti.. beautiful.. I couldn't pick one because I love them all!! I'm going to share them on the blog now.. need a reason - now I have it :) That class was so fun. I need to get back to practicing! -T

  2. Oh I'm thinking I need #8 too! I love these sooooooo much. But I think I might have told you that a time or two.

  3. What a great idea! It looks like you have sold quite a few already. Will have to admit I was wondering what you planned on doing with all of those mini blocks. Now I know. The are beautiful.

  4. These are awesome, will you be taking orders for future patterns??? I'm emailing you right now!!!

  5. Thank you for my charms, they are so intricate and beautiful. I'm sure Erin and Jessi will love them!!!

  6. These are insanely small--and wonderful! What a great idea--and something most people could never manage. I really hope that next time you have a batch, I can manage to be blog-reading in time to get one I love!

  7. OMG - your charms are delightful! Amazing that you could make them so small. I wish you lots of luck keeping them in stock. I'm sure they will sell out quickly.

  8. I missed your original post about your charms. They are really pretty and such a great idea. I ssee them as a pair of earrings since I don't wear my charm bracelet any more. Are the blocks paper pieced? They are so tiny.

  9. any chance there are any left? ( i know this was quiet a while ago, also any chance there will be more?

  10. Gail, I hope you see this. I can't email you, you have goner through no reply blogger. Email me directly. I still have lots of charms.
