Sunday, February 16, 2014

He's walking ! ! !

All it took was for his Mom and Dad to have a "date night" and hire a babysitter. Shorty after they left the house, Miss Lizzie sent them this video!  The little stinker!


  1. Oh my goodnrss. Isn't that aleays the way it works? It seems like yesterday that he was born! Precious.

  2. That's great, and you have a vid!

  3. There is nothing like seeing those first steps! So great that the sitter captured this special moment:)

  4. How cute!! Isn't that the way it often seems to work out? We are currently waiting for our grandson to start crawling.
    Thank you so much for sending me to your toy stove post. What an adorable picture!! Do you still have it? If so maybe we could set up a play date. Ha!! Let me know if you find a picture of your washing machine. :)

  5. Mr. Independent! How cute is that, thank goodness the sitter caught it on tape. Now tell them to sit him down, just kidding, it seems like once they start walking, they are waving bye, bye to being a baby, it just passes so quickly.

  6. He is a stinker!! A cute one though
