Thursday, March 6, 2014

Catch up time.

My spring break is here.  For the past two months I've been sewing quilt charms. I get so engrossed in sewing those inch and half squares, I do not want to  clean, cook, or take a break. It's now catch up time. 

Last Saturday, Angie (my expert jeweler) and I had a vendors table at a quilt retreat. There were two groups there.  One was from Jefferson City, the Missouri River Quilt Guild; and the other from Columbia, the Boonslick Trail Quilt Guild.

The weather was less than desirable. Cold blowing winds, below freezing temperatures, with a big storm storm predicted. A lot of the ladies packed up early to miss the storm that never arrived. 

We were just there from 9 AM to 4 PM on Saturday. It was so much fun visiting with all the ladies and seeing their talents. I think it's even inspired the jeweler to try her hand at quilt making.

This side was the Jefferson City group (while they were away eating breakfast). I checked out their machines and only found one vintage black Singer.

The quilt on the floor was from a Judy Niemeyer paper piece class that would be taught later in the day.

This is my half of the sales table. I used my 1956 Singer 99 as an attention getter. That it did! It made for some interesting conversations. I also had pictures of my 1919 Singer 66 Red Eye with it's beautiful parlor cabinet. No one had seen anything like it. 

Our table together was quite fun. We got to chat the entire time. We also had Shirley guarding our booth if we were away. See her in the corner. . . the blond. You just had to take one look at her to see that she had shifty eyes!

It was a good day. We both left there with money in our pocket and our belly full. Thank you Guild for inviting us to show and for the nice luncheon.

Here is a special charm block I made for Angie, her son is serving in Afghanistan. I don't know who cried the most, me while making it for her, or her upon receiving it. Thank you Aaron for your service!

I told you how Angie is now in the quilting mood . . . here is a new charm she is making. 

Just so you know, they can break! This is what happened after my basket full of charms fell onto the concrete.

I still have a lot of charms left. If you'd like to purchase one just hop over here and take a look.  I now have the cutest little gift bags to go along with them.

Sew on ~ ~ ~  


  1. Lots of eye candy! ♥ the charm made for your jeweler's son.. so sweet! Great job, ladies! -T

  2. despite the wintry weather sounds like you had an awesome day

  3. Those charms are awesome! How do you make them? Or does that job belong to your jewelry expert?

  4. I'm glad you had a great time. Your idea of the Singer as an attention getter was brilliant! It's a bummer that some of your charms broke...I hope that didn't chew too deep into your profits. You are talented my friend, sew on indeed!!!

  5. Wow your charms are gorgeous! You've really got my brain ticking over now!!!

  6. You got a featherweight for $25???! 1955 or so? I am so jealous! I learned to sew on one of those and I look at them all the time, they are usually several hundred $. Glad you had a good show!
