Thursday, November 5, 2015

Tag shopping

Week before last the blacksmith and I went to "town" for a tag sale. These sales are usually a whole house sale where everything is priced in cabinets, drawers, closets, etc. It has always been interesting to me to see how the people lived in the house. 

The house at this sale was so interesting. It was a 3 story house with a full basement of which some had a dirt floor. Originally you could tell this home was heated using coal. In every room were steam heaters, those tall cast iron big things! The kitchen sink was for me, to die for. The big cast iron sink with built in drain boards. It wasn't for sale. 

This was the light fixture in the parlor. It was for sale too. Personally I hope it didn't sell. If I would buy that house and the light fixtures were gone, I'd be so upset.

Now to show you some of the things for sale. **

Trade cards. They are usually dated from about 1890 to 1910. They were gone when I got there. **

 A beautiful vintage dress, but it was gone when I got there too.  **

 SCORE, a machine for my friend Phil. One of 7 machines in one room  **

 Vintage postcards. Gone when I got there too.

SCORE for me . . . a Martha Washington sewing cabinet. Doesn't it look beautiful between our two sewing rockers?

 SCORE an Ameribag for $10. Can you say BARGAIN?

SCORE A 1929 Singer sewing booklet in a binder. 

The sale was so good, we made 3 trips in one day. The following day, had we been in town I would have gone back for 1/2 price day. 

So tomorrow there is another tag sale in "town". It's hosted by a different group. 

 I spy boxes of needles . . . ***

 More needles ***

 Totes, totes, and more totes, I didn't include all the pictures of them. ***

 Polyester batting . . ***

 Some cute old fabric ***

 Thread, thread, thread ***

 Beautiful vintage canisters***

 Look at those vintage Gurley candles!!!  ***

 Vintage aluminum children pans!  I so want these! ***


 FABRIC *** . . . 

and more.  I didn't even include all the pictures.

 Did I mention thread?

I think I already said fabric once or twice. 

There is so much stuff at this sale I don't know how it can all sell in two short days. It includes all the normal household stuff, furniture, dishes, tools, bedding, towels, and appliances.  

So guess where we will be bright and early tomorrow morning???

** Pictures from McCorkle Facebook page. 

***Pictures from Estate and Garage Sale Managers Facebook page.


  1. You must have a large house with lots of storage. You keep bringing home treasures LOL!! Good luck!!!!

  2. So many treasures! Love the sewing cabinet between the rockers! I very much agree with you about the ceiling light fixture, they'd at least have to replace it with something, which you know wouldn't have nearly the same charm. Happy continued hunting!!!

  3. Patti I'm coming up late next week for a couple of days to stay with my aunt while Sherry goes out of town....I'd sure love to find a sale like this one! If you see one advertised would you please e-mail me? Thanks and blessings....marlene

  4. Wow looks like my kind of sale!!

  5. Great Martha Washington cabinet! I can't believe they were selling the light fixtures, weird. The only sales around here have nothing but CLothes, so boring. Whew! I thought you were going to say you purchased another sewing machine, glad your friend got it!

  6. Wow!! I can't even imagine!!! I would have been so overwhelmed. Lol

  7. Love these kind of sales....even if I don't need anything! Such fun.
