Wednesday, June 15, 2016

A gathering

To read the first part of the story, go to Osage Bluff Blacksmith blog.  While there become a follower too!

Here's just a few more pictures from a my view of the time spent at Hank and Bonita's.  

This vintage Airstream is to die for. If only the walls could talk. I knew both of the previous owners who were wonderful blacksmiths. RIP Francis Whitaker and Tom Clark. Oh to have this and to restore it would be so cool.

 Meet Hammer, he's a little shy on this side, all 100+ pounds of him.

 This side shows a face begging for some attention. He's a Rhodesian Ridgeback.

My friend Bev is trying to tell me to push the button when we are trying to take a selfie to send our friend Margie!

  We had a great place to camp, friend's fully equipped driveway!

 On our way home we stopped at Klein's Restaurant in Rosebud Missouri.





An ANVIL!  Sorry didn't mean to yell that, but the blacksmith was pretty impressed with it being at the front door.

What a great time we had. Wish you were there!


  1. You make retirement look SO MUCH FUN!!!!! Blessings my friend!

  2. Looking at your pictures makes me want to forget about unpacking and get mine on the internet. Thanks for sharing your wonderful pictures!
