Thursday, July 13, 2017

January and February 2017, catch up

January brought much sadness to us. We lost a really good blacksmith friend. Preston had gone out to cut some wood. He had gone well prepared, including his hard hard. As he was cutting a tree, the limb fell on him, killing him instantly.

At his burial, we brought an anvil for Preston's final ringing. It was very touching.

 January 5th, my hubby brought me bittersweet from the woods. Sweet!

I worked up this quilt from scarps of another project. I want to make it bigger. A friend sent me some vintage fabric. Someday I will add borders.

This paper piece pattern I bought many years ago. This is the month I started on many UFO. 

 This is the back with the tissue paper still sewn on.

 After the paper is ripped off.

January 22, I final get it to lay flat. Now to hand quilt it. You might wonder how big is it? It's
38 inches square. The starburst alone has 1090 pieces. 

 The patriotic quilt is now finished with the hand quilting. More on this as the year progresses.

The tree trimmers hired by the electric cooperative have invaded our land!  UGH, over 20 trees taken down. I baked them cookies, to use as a bribing tool. I might have well eaten the cookies myself, they didn't work.

 January 31, time to replace the ironing board cover.

My quilting friends took me to Blue Skillet Soul restaurant for my 65th birthday. The food was fabulous. As for the birthday, I'll take it, a birthday is always better than the alternative.

Up next is my project for the Blacksmiths association of Missouri Conference. I now have the official state map, cut to size. I'm wondering if I can put it in the car that way. Once again stay tuned for the rest of this project.

 This was valentine's day at quilting. Charlotte set a beautiful table with some great treats.

As he has done the past 46 years, the hubby gave me a heart shaped box of dark chocolates. My only regret is I didn't save all those heart boxes.

February 18, I finished this baby quilt. It too is made from left over scraps.

Life is Good!


  1. You are such a talented friend. Seriously. Your quilts are gorgeous!!! Have a blessed day!!!

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