Tuesday, March 19, 2019

4 treatments down.

Today started off a little late. I slept way too long. I missed my favorite activity of the week, QUILTING.  However I realize, it's time to take care of myself. So I go at a little slower pace. 

Well so I thought.

We were headed for treatment and two doctor appointments today. I was driving, I allowed plenty of time to be there on time. 

Until . . . . 


I  saw this in my rear view mirror.  Yep I knew I was doing 40 mph in a 30 mph zone.

So what's a girl to do but . . .well I played the C card!!! I told the officer I knew I was wrong, I was headed for radiation at noon, if she could please make it quick and painless. 

After she returned from checking my drivers license and getting the right insurance card (I really needed to clean out my glove box!) she told me to be careful and she left me off the hook.

Thank you God!

Someone told me later in the day, the card is worthless unless you use it.

Both doctors had good things to tell us. I did learn that what my boob is experiencing what is called Zingers.  Look that up in your Funk and Wagnalls!  It's good to know.

In between doctor appointments we went to the Chemo treatment area. There we met up with our friend Cathy who is the hubby's classmate. She and I were also in 4-H together decades ago.  She has one more chemo treatment to take. Our husbands visited with each other while Cathy and I talked about C, life, and God. Together Cathy and I will conquer! 

We return to regular blogging now.

On Saturday morning my quilting friend Janet, called to tell me I could come get some beef bones. These to us are like gold. They can hardly ever be bought in your local grocery store. I froze about 7 packages. Now I need to buy some whole barley to make some beef barley soup.

Sunday I roasted some of the bones at 350 degrees for about an hour and a half. Then threw  the grease away. I boiled the bones and made vegetable soup.  OH MY Gosh, was it delicious.

Here's my current sewing project (I must say daily trips to town really cut into my sewing time). This will be for the blacksmith auction in May. The center is still being created. I'm thinking of paper piecing the name of the association, we'll see.  The flower basket pattern has never been interpreted as an anvil with fire!!

Until next time, peace out

1 comment:

  1. I love your grit Patti! You bet you shoul use that card :). Your quilt is amazing, as always. Sending hugs!
