Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Jefferson City Tornado May 22, 2019

On May 22 appropriately 11 PM an EF1 tornado hit Eldon, Missouri, a community of about 4,600 people. It then traveled down Highway 54 into the community of Brazito. There an entire mobile home court was demolished, as well as a church and many homes. 

. . .  it continued into Jefferson City . 

First ripping apart the Braun's automotive business. Their storage units also took a direct hit. It looked as if bombs went off there. 

Doug Schrimpf, a contractor dealing with his loss at the storage site. 

By 11:43 when it hit the outskirts of Jefferson City it was classed and EF3 with winds up to 160 miles per hour. 

Riley Automotive

Riley automotive

Riley automotive

Riley automotive vehicles were tossed like Matchbox cars.

Riley automotive. . . . A family owned business that has been in the Capitol City since 1936.  It had an inventory of 800 autos. Approximately 95% of the vehicles sustained damage.

The downtown historical section was hit hard. Beautiful big, old homes were shattered. Look at the debris piled in the street.

Down the street, the old Missouri State Prison walls even went tumbling down.

The Lincoln University president's house. It was built in 1916, bought by the university in 1965. A city landmark. It is not uninhabitable.

Miraculously no one was killed !!!  32 storm related injuries.

As if the tornado wasn't enough, Jefferson City is still dealing with flooding of the Missouri River. This is the Capitol City Memorial airport.

It will be a long time for our beautiful city to recover.

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