Thursday, June 20, 2019

Visiting with knife makers

Every June we are invited to hang out with some of the worlds best knife makers. They come from other countries after attending the big knife show, the  Atlanta Blade Show. 

To clarify, my blacksmith is not a knife maker. Not that he can't or hasn't, it's just not what he likes to make. 

Spending several days with these men and women is always a learning experience. 

For meals we gather on the patio.

The pizza oven on the left of the patio. . . . 

The pond with coy fish and deer on the back side makes for great entertainment. 

Sometimes there is some work done in the shop. Here Bernie shows Colleen a technique on the power hammer. 

Gudy!!!  What can I say, he is a magnificent knife maker! He is from Holland and is so much entertainment.

Look at one of his hand crafted knives. Can you believe it??   Magnificent!!!

There's always a group to visit with all day long. 

A group under the awning, keeping out of the sun! Ed from the state of Washington, Diana and Darryl from Illinois. 

A group at the shop, Nathan from Minnesota, Hank,one of  our hosts, Pat from Washington Missouri, and Bernie, you know where he's from. 

The pizza oven is always a fun time. Hank makes the huge bowl of dough the day before. Then there were all kinds of toppings and fresh herbs picked from Bonita's door-side garden. 

Bernie made quite a few for the others. He was taking orders. I had a brussel spout and lemon pizza with a homemade white sauce!!

One night Nathan made these delicious chicken legs. He first grilled them, then made a marinade sauce with peppers, onions, morels he dried, and BBq sauce. He then smoked them for several hours.

He also did vegetables. They were also delicious. 

Ed made ribs our last night there. The potato salad is from the fresh dug potatoes we took along. 

We only had rain one day. What a place to enjoy it, their balcony off the upstairs bedroom over looking the pond. PEACEFUL. . . . 

As was our entire week. 

Thank you Hank and Bonita for the food, drinks, fellowships and friendships.


  1. Your pictures are the best, Patti! Thanks for sharing them.

  2. Such a fun week. Jim was looking In awe at the pictures this morning. He couldn’t believe the stone work and, well, the entire set up.

  3. You and Bernie are the best travelers!! Thanks for sharing with all of us!! Looks so fun!!!!

  4. Looks like so much fun! That knife is amazing! Does he happen to sell them via the internet?
