Wednesday, April 29, 2020

COVID Day 27 to Day 33

Day 27
Wednesday April 8, 2020
Headlines: pandemic jobless pay to start next week.
The totals for the day look like this: Nationwide 434,114,  Missouri has 3327 cases, and
Cole county  has 35 cases.
For breakfast  I had steel cut oats with pecans and cranberries, Bernie had bacon and egg burritos.

I finished piecing a baby quilt.

We planted cucumbers, zucchini, and green beans. 
It was a wild weather day, the high was 94, then 4 hours later 62 degrees and with strong winds.
I made one mask for nurse Kadie Bopp. I cut my mask down smaller.

Day 28
Thursday April 9 2020
Headlines: State prepares to open first alternative care site.
Nationwide there are 464,865 cases, with Missouri having 3,539, and  Cole county has 35 cases.
We took 2 rides in our Cam-Am to see Jeremy’s progress on his backyard.

Bernie tilled more garden and then put the electric fence up.
I worked on machine quilting a scrappy baby quilt.
Bernie fixed fried dandelions blossoms for dinner. OMG, they were delicious. They went well with our deer steak, mashed potatoes, and salad.

Day 29
Friday April 10, 2020
As for COVID cases today there are Nationwide 495,249, Missouri has 3,799 cases, and 
Cole county has 35.
I fixed biscuits and sausage gravy for breakfast. 

I finished machine quilting the red and blue baby quilt. No matching fabric so I can’t bind it. Then I basted another baby quilt. Machine quilted it until the belt broke on my 1919 Singer red eye machine.

I made 4 1/2 pints of Redbud jelly. Yup, picked the buds off the trees in my backyard.

I made salads for dinner to go with our carry out pizza from Pizza Haus.

Day 30
Saturday April 11, 2020
Missouri now reports 4,029 cases. Cole county has 36 cases.
Gas is $1.58 in town.
Dinner was hamburgers and salad. Yep only meal today. Bernie was helping Jeremy most of the day. I washed one load of towels. 

I made Danish Twist, a lamb cake, and a batch of jelly using the blooms from the Redbud trees.

Day 31
Easter Sunday April 12, 2020
Nationwide there are 559,409 cases. With Missouri reporting 4,160 and Cole county with 36 cases.

Easter came, and is almost over.
Nothing was as usual.
We had no ham, no family dinner, no Easter candy, no new Easter outfit, no company.
It was all new.  Took the local grandkids slim pickings for their Easter presents. They were presented on the front porch, at a safe distance. we visited with the kids in Florida on Facetime. Sadly we were to be there in person this week. We would be swimming and egg hunting with them if we were there.

Our church was Mass on the computer with Father Jeremy Secrist, aka Father Porch Priest.

But you know God is good, we’re here to celebrate. There are  110 people in Missouri that weren’t here to celebrate this Easter season. May they Rest In Peace. 

Breakfast was our Easter tradition of Danish Twist. Dinner was hand breaded fried shrimp, baked beans, deviled eggs and lamb cake.

Bernie picked 20 cups of Redbud blossoms.

Day 32
April 13, 2020 Monday
Cases Nationwide total 586,057.Missouri has 4,388 and Cole county reports 37 cases.

Today we broke the 11th commandment, we went to town. Mailed Sarah some hand sanitizer (packed inside a box of trolls),  Aldi’s (where only 1 of us could go in), then Schulte’s, where we both went inside. 

When we got home from town we had donuts and coffee.
The ham we purchased in town,  we cut up, froze some, cooked the bone, and sliced some on our new electric slicer.

I made 8 pints of Redbud jelly.

I finished another small baby quilt.

Day 33
Tuesday April 14, 2020
Nationwide there 612,380 cases. Missouri reports 4,686 and Cole county 38 cases.
Another stay at home day, we didn’t even go to Jeremy’s. Bernie cut grass. I cut and piled brush. For breakfast I fried sausage and eggs, with that we had toast with Redbud jelly.
Dinner was ham and yellow eyed beans, along with fried potatoes.

We received these hugs in the mail from our Florida grandsons.

After dinner we walked outside. I showed  BT the trees and brush I cleared. We loaded up 2 trailer loads of old cedar logs. After piling them we had a bonfire which we tended until 10:30 pm.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy your journaling of life during this pandemic, thanks for sharing. Hugs to you and BT!
