Sunday, October 4, 2020

My 6 generation mini quilt

The five embroidered blocks were stitched by my great grandmother, Mary Angeline Park Hammer Born 1868 and died in 1938.

She handed the blocks down to my grandmother, Emma Elizabeth Hammer Saucier born 1896 and died in 1976. 

 My mother, Onetta (Sis) Alberta Saucier born December 1923 and died In March of 2017,  inherited them, she  gave them to me, Patricia (Patti) Ann Cardwell Tappel born 1952.

This will be handed down to my granddaughter Elizabeth (Lizzie) Norine Tappel 

born 2009, daughter of my son, Jeremy Bernard Tappel, born1977.

I pieced the quilt and hand quilted this during the COVID-19 quarantine. 


  1. It's beautiful, and special!

  2. That's a lovely way to pull all of the different blocks together, cousin... nicely done!
