Friday, June 18, 2021

Friendship Indiana 2021

Who says you can’t go back in time? It was 1985 the last time we went to the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association shoot in Friendship, Indiana. It was time to go again and who better to go with but the same friends we went with back then, Bob and Betty with 2 grandsons. The last time it was the 2 boys parents that were the children.

We left their house near New Melle, Missouri at 5:30 AM. If you know the blacksmith and me, that’s a far stretch!

It was about a 6 hour drive. We were quick to set up our campers. There were things to see!

We first walked across the road way to the primitive area and it was deja vu!  I thought I fell back into 1977, which was the first year we went. There was a Chevrolet van almost like my late brother Wesley had there that year. 

The beautiful big house across from the primitive area.

A nice camp all set up.


A slab house. Live edge boards assembled in log cabin style.

Monday morning we checked out the huge flea market. No great finds, like years ago. Now it’s socks, cheap Chinese clothes, tools and . . 

Food vendors. Every kind of food you could possible want or not want in our case.

 More food.

Back at the NMLRA site, there were a few demonstrators. 

He’s working on a gun stock.

Beautiful gold inlays. The craftsman told me he wasn’t a knife maker, just the person doing the inlays.

The sheep sheds were a little disappointing. Not even half were occupied. But then I didn’t see William Lee Golden either, like we did in 1985.

I loved the period clothing! I can remember making and wearing costumes many years ago. Timberline Traders was the vendor.

More great period clothing.

Beautiful, absolutely gorgeous moccasins by  Poppen Moccasins, Sevierville, TN.

Dixie gun works, a long time supporter always had their booth open. They’ve been in business since 1954.

Bob and Bernie check out new guns.

Plenty of blank stocks were available.

We had to check out the blacksmith shop. We met Frank Clifton and his 17 year old grandson.

We first met Daryl Meier here many years ago and still see him occasionally. He resides in Illinois.

On Wednesday Betty and I found the Friendship stitchers. What a fun group. Betty and I are now members. Next time we will sew with them. I can supply Betty and I with machines.

We  went into town and found Carl Dyer’s Original moccasins. Bernie has had a pair that he bought in the early 70’s. They were kind enough to give us a mini tour. They have been in business for over 90 years, hand making each moccasin one at a time. 

A little down time in camp. The boys, Alex and Sam get their guns ready for the skeet shoot. 

This trolley daily made many trips from the flea markets at each end of town. Everyday the team was changed out from horses to mules.

Sam and his partner Tina, that he was paired with shoot their turn.


A view of one of the many ranges.

Sam and Alex each shot perfect score in their shoots. The custom is all shooters are invited to shoot the winners hats. So the hats are lined up.

Somewhere in the line up are the two boys. Their plan was to shoot each other’s hat. There were 16 shooters, most with double barrel shot guns. The hats were full of lead!

NMLRA then presented Sam and Alex with new hats.

However they were pretty partial to the old hats. Great shooting boys!

The kitchen not only served three meals a day, but you could buy ice cream there! Betty and the boys came in and joined us when we were enjoying a treat. 

On Tuesday when we returned to camp, look what had pulled beside us, another Casita.  Sheila said they were on their way home to Kentucky from a trip to Colorado. 

It was a great 5 days. Old friends, new friends, good food, flea markets, and absolutely beautiful weather, 50’s at night, 70’s daytime.

LIG and so is God.

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