Friends, isn't that what matters in life?
My BFF Diane, asked me to go to some Christmas open houses. After all it's doe weekend in mid-Missouri. Yep, that's right, the opening of deer hunting season. It's like a religious holiday around here.
So Diane, myself, and my grand daughter Lizzie went to town.
Our next stop was at our "friend" Marla's shop, Cotter Pin. She had antiques mixed in with new decorating items. Then there's a whole room with new Fiesta ware. I saw this Fiesta ware cookie jar. It is beautiful. It matched my daughters dishes, but she said she didn't need it.
Next stop was my friend, the other Diane, at her new shop, Brimstone Gallery & Antiques. It was just opened this week and she said the crowds were great. She might have been just a little overwhelmed!
Believe it or not, she could not eat the whole thing!!
I forgot to tell you about stopping at my friend, Lizzie's J Street Vintage shop. I had purchased this bolt of vintage fabric at her on-line auction. I paid $10 for the bolt. See the original price tag of .39 CENTS a yard? It's so vintage it's only 36 inches wide. Most fabric now is 45 inches wide. I estimate there's about 8 yards still on the bolt.
Did I mention dessert? Of course BFF's have to have dessert. Mary Kremer was selling her beautiful cupcakes and cookies at Cotter Pin. This was my to die for pecan cupcake!!! The best $2.50 ever spent.
As an ending to my day, I went to deer camp, where the guys cooked smoked crappie and trout. The women furnished river potatoes (A family tradition), a lettuce salad and brownie.
Life is good.
God is good.
Life is indeed good! What a great day you had with your friends and granddaughter. I called my sister yesterday afternoon and she spoke so quietly when answering the phone--she was in a deer stand keeping her husband company (she is a saint) and was going to the deer camp for supper.