Friday, March 25, 2022

New, new, and new

We’ve had two nieces have babies recently. So let me show you what I got for them.

Campbell Pearl was born in December. Great aunt Patti bought for her, her first baby doll. Of course, the baby doll needed a quilt. I used fabric left over from the quilt I pieced for Campbell.

Here's baby Campbell, just a couple days old, and her mama showing off the X’s and O’s Quilt I made for her.

Miss Campbell is 5 weeks old here.

Baby Della also got her first baby doll and quilt.) I was tickled I beat the grandmas with buying their first baby doll).

Mom Melissa, also my godchild, shows for the quilt I made for Della at her baby shower!

Della is just 2 weeks old here.

Years ago, I bought this antique cabinet. As with most antiques it was well loved and worn.

I had my cabinet maker copy it and make for me a new and better functioning one, from some gorgeous oak wood. The drawers and doors have the magic closures. I love them.

The antique one now resides at my friend Lizzy’s house. 

Sometime ago, the blacksmith acquired an antique compressor similar to this one. Okay we didn’t think about taking a before picture, so I borrowed this picture from Ebay.

He took the compressor and motor off of the top, removed the tank, and was left with these unique legs and a metal tabletop.

He wired brush the legs and removed decades of paint, dirt, grease, and grime. He clear coated the legs and table. He then took leftover oak flooring from our floors and made a beautiful top for it.

It is an absolutely gorgeous table.  It would work for a coffee table, but we like it better as an end table.

Life is good!




1 comment:

  1. Life is indeed good! I hope your new great nieces love those doll babies and their quilts. My quilting mojo is still missing in action.
