Wednesday, August 31, 2022

A sweet, sweet gift before a trip to the Emergency Room

This is just a fraction of what Jullia gave me from her grandmother's estate. However, these were the best treasures in the box!

The Singer buttonhole attachment has the long and hard to find circle buttonhole attachment. It is a complete set of every buttonhole attachment. 

It is a complete set of every buttonhole. It looks like Grandma even made a cloth with each buttonhole and then writing the size beside it.


I have never seen this singer stocking darner. The blacksmith is really hopeful I will mend his socks. I doubt that!

The 2 boxes of attachments, that will fit the biggest percent of my vintage's Singers are a delight to look through! 

The zig zag attachment is pristine. I’ve tried to buy one for years. The book is copyright 1957. Of course, it's complete with every cam of different stitches. It fits most of my machines. 

I can’t thank her enough for these, the 100s spools of thread, sewing books, embroidery patterns, and the 100's hand sewing and machine needles!

One last thing is this is a fun old-time memory that was in the box. It no longer contains “hosiery” but was full of mostly embroidery patterns.

Now on to my week of not feeling well. OF Course, it had to be the week of the blacksmith's annual squirrel hunt, my week to roam and play free.

It started with occasional chills, then went into daily fevers, some days as high at 103.7. He came home Sunday and by Tuesday morning, about 4 AM he found me in the recliner with an ice bag on my head. The worse headache for days was getting to me. So, he took me to the Emergency room. 

I had taken 2 home Covid tests, both negative. Although I was pretty sure it wasn't that to begin with. As I have had Covid twice and the symptoms weren't anything alike. 

After several hours of tests which included a CT of my stomach, blood tests, they started giving me good drugs.  They then told me I had Ehrlichiosis, a tick born disease. Dr. explained it didn't have the same side effects as Lyme or Rocky Mountain! For that I was grateful. Yes, I had removed a tick about 10 days prior.

Toay is the first day past. I am feeling better. One medicine is for 14 days, the other two are for 5. Thank God I am on the mend.


  1. WOW--I've never heard of that tick borne illness! Glad you are on the mend!

  2. Wow, that is a horrible illness! I hope you are all better now. Ticks are so bad!
