Friday, October 14, 2022

A few days of being free

We just spent 4 days with no cell service, no wi-fi, no radios, no televisions, and it was so dang enjoyable. We were 13 miles east of Eminence Missouri at an area called Powder Mill. 

 This was a panoramic view I took of our 3 campers. 

This will give you a better picture of how we were set up. Wayne and Brenda were across from us . . .

  . . .Terry and Debby were across from them. 

There are no marked camp sites, just drive in, park in the wooded area or go to the rocky sand bar. 

This is what we did all day long.

If not looking at the fire, we looked at all the beautiful colors in the woods. 

Terry and the blacksmith went squirrel hunting every morning of course. This I think was the day Terry came across 5 elk in the woods, one bull and 4 cows. 

More trees. 

The Current River was just over the bank, we could hear the rapids. 

Across the river where you see the 3 white trees is Blue Springs. We didn't go there this trip. We've seen it many times. 

More colors!

Yes, we all had generators; they were much appreciated Thursday morning at 38 degrees. 

Day fires took the chill off. 

More night fires. 

The end, insert sad face. 

Driving out of camp up the big hill!

On the road into Eminence.

Look out point north of Eminence.

Last trip of the season. Time to winterize now. Of course, we are already talking of making this an annual couples' trip!

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