Sunday, May 12, 2024

Brady’s college graduation

From my daughter in laws facebook page. 

Brady has known since he was little that he wanted to work with computers. He found a perfect fit at Missouri S&T!  

He graduated summa cum laude yesterday with a bachelors in computer science. He was a member of the Mars Rover Design Team and made great friends and memories there, including when they placed third at the international competition in 2022. He and his housemates had a wonderful dinner for their families last night and then we helped him move home.

He will move to Illinois in a few weeks to start full-time with Caterpillar, where he interned last summer. He'll be in the Engineering Rotational Development program to learn different parts of the company, including developing and testing autonomy. 

Brady has always been smart, easy-going, strong and steady. He's independent and doesn't get easily flustered. He's fun and adventurous and doesn't mind doing his own thing. I'll miss having him so close to home, but I know he will continue to do great things. I can't wait to watch his life continue to unfold. Roots & wings. ❤️

We love you, Brady!

PS - I guess he officially graduated, even though they announced him as Brian Tappel. 🙄 Out of all the crazy-hard names they had to pronounce, they swapped Brady for Brian. LOL

Brady and Alex W. were friends from grade school. They were always at each other’s birthday parties and sleep overs. Through college they were in the same dorm and the last two years, in a house Alex’s parents owned. They will be working at the same  corporation.

Alex’s parent hosting a graduation party and treated all 4 young men from the college house, along with parents, grandparents, and friends.

We couldn’t be prouder!

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