Thursday, June 18, 2009

Friday's Bonus room

My bonus room is actually what we call our mudroom. It's the room that you come into from the garage, before you enter the kitchen. Sometimes it's a catch all. You might see what I mean when viewing the table.

This is my goody cabinet. It has a ton of my collectibles in it.

One of the wardrobes. This one holds our winter coats. After all, the doors to the outside are just steps away.

An oak gun cabinet that my son built in 4-H about 15 years ago.

This wardrobe holds hunting clothes for BT. He restored this wardrobe. It was stained black and in pieces when I bought it. He even made the bonnet on top.

A table that the blacksmith has claimed for his display table.

Here is an awesome coffee bin from the Rich Fountain, Missouri area. We bought it from a friend about 25 years ago.

Just inside the outside door is my display of brown jugs. They range from 1/2 gallon to 5 gallons.


  1. Hey, somehow I missed seeing some of those super cool items in person. I'll just have to come back and inspect! :) I love this room also! -tw

  2. Firstly-a great big Thank You for the hoof picks!!!! Totally fantastic surprise. We love them!

    Secondly-Going through your goody cabinet looking for which old tins and bottles we have in common. I meant to post some pictures today of some of my lard buckets. lol!

    Thirdly-I'm freaking out about those little china pieces! Is that from a play set or is it normal sized? It looks so much like a set that we used to play with when we were little. (I may have it stored somewhere, I have to go dig!) It even had little utensils.

    Thank you, thank you again! :)

  3. I like peeking into your house :)

  4. Patti,
    That is one nice mudroom! I expected to see a bench and a few pairs of muddy shoes. :)
    I love that you have a wardrobe for coats rather than a closet.
    Very nice and interesting room.
