Monday, June 22, 2009

What a road trip!

In fact it was 1310 miles worth.

It's been a while since I've posted. You see, we took off last Thursday morning for Oklahoma City. The daughter and boyfriend had invited both sets of parents for the weekend.

We rolled in to their place about an hour before Sarah came home from work. Rusty and his Mom had prepared a wonderful dinner. All Sarah had to do was wilt the spinach.

Both sets of parents were up early Friday morning. We were traveling to Groom TX to visit with BT's mother. Rusty's parents were driving to Dallas TX to visit with their daughter.

As we drove I-40 we saw many of the wind turbines.

We arrived in Groom just shortly after Mom had taken a peach pie, a cherry pie and chocolate chip bars out of the oven. Nothing doing but we had to eat. That's the best thing to do at Mom's.

Later in the afternoon, it was time to make more food. Mom fixed meatballs, the best sour cream-Philadelphia cream cheese-butter mashed potatoes, along with home canned green beans, cole slaw and oh, not to forget, the homemade hot rolls.

We finally made it to bed about midnight, as the rain was moving in. We still slept with the windows open. If it rained in, I wouldn't have known . . . I was in a carb induced sleep. However, it was raining when we got up.

We had a very late breakfast. More good food . . . bacon, scrambled eggs, cantaloupe, and homemade biscuit doughnuts. Just after breakfast, Mom got a call from BT's sister Darlene, Their house had been struck by lightning at 3 in the morning. Everyone got out safely and the firemen got the fire out that had started on the roof. It is so sad that they had a fire again. 18 years ago the same house caught fire and was heavily damaged. This time the damage seems to be limited to some smoke damage and a loss of the furnace, clothes dryer, and TV. Luckily their computer was OK.

After the breakfast dishes were finished, we drove to downtown Groom. This town is located along what used to be Route 66. There was a benefit BBQ in progress for the school scholarship program. (We went there just to visit with the cooks!)
Here Mom's step son Aaron, is searing some of the 170 sides of ribs. He had hauled his BBQ rig all the way from Dallas TX.

After they are seared over the open flames, they are moved to another part of the smoking wagon and slowly cooked. They looked and smelled heavenly. (More pork Sara!)

After a tour of the town, we headed back to Mom's. It was time to travel back to Oklahoma City. Here Mom is packing a care package for Sarah. The peach pie is Sarah's favorite. It was a 3 1/2 hour drive back. We stopped in El Reno for dinner. I also had BT detour to McDonald's drive through for a Mocha cappuccino. Of course I had to walk it back in as they gave me an iced one. I wanted . . . no I needed the hot one!

We arrived at Sarah's as they were just finishing dinner. Rusty's parents had arrived back a couple of hours before us. I walked in with the dessert, which was a big hit!

Rusty headed back to his station to do the 10 o'clock weather cast. The rest of us just hung out watching TV and surfing the Internet for the rest of the evening.

Sunday morning, Sarah made us Belgian Waffles. They were so good. No comparison to Eggo's. Of course I knew that . . . the grandson raved about them when they visited aunt Sarah.

In the afternoon, Sarah and the 4 parents went for a tour of OKC. We decided to take a tour of the Oklahoma History Center. BT and Bob got in free since it was Father's Day.

As you first walk into the Devon Great Hall you see a replica of the world famous Winnie Mae Airplane. Sarah liked the Rock and Roll display. We stayed until they pushed us out at closing at 5:00.
It was then on to Cattlemens's Steakhouse to reserve a table for the Dad's Father day dinner. They gave us a beeper and said it would be an hour wait. That was perfect since Rusty was on air during the 5:30 news cast and would be delayed. However, 20 minutes later, they told us our table was ready.

Our waitress Lula, was a charm. She pampered us the entire time. She even took our order but held it until Rusty came. He finally made it and was looking a the menu when Lula returned to take his order. She looked at him, and said "Where do I know you from? I know I've seen you before". We all had a chuckle. He told her, "I do the weather on channel 5".

The steaks were the absolute best I have ever tasted. I went for the Small Filet - Cut special for patrons with smaller appetites. Wrapped in thick sliced bacon. The guys all had the prime rib special. I can't begin to imagine how many steaks they prepare each evening. The place was packed the entire 2 hours we were there.
Before heading for our cars we posed for this picture outside the front door. Rusty's Dad went in and asked Ms Lula if she would mind stepping outside to take our picture. She was more than happy to oblige.

Back home, once again on food overload, we just chilled out watching TV. All the parents were departing early in the morning. Bob and Lynne would be riding their Harley Davidson back to Florida.

Here is a pic of them leaving on Monday morning. They would travel about 300 miles for the day. We drove 420 miles and were home.

It was a great mini-vacation. We were pleased to get the chance to meet Rusty's parents.


  1. Your road trip sounds delicious!! Aside from the lightning strike, it sounds like a perfect trip!

  2. This post makes me hungry! For everything!

    oooh, and to get to go out to dinner with a celebrity!

    I can't wait to take some road trips...sigh. Nice to ride along with you in the meantime.

    Glad everyone's OK after the lightning!

  3. Thank you for the wonderful story of your road trip. I felt like I was right there with you. I could even taste the peach pie.. yum! On our Texas trips we would always eat at the Cattlemen's Steakhouse in Fort Worth at the Stockyards. OMG... best food and service anywhere. Don't know if the OKC & FW ones are even "related" but they sound similar. Awesome trip (except for the lightning strike of course). Made me long for OK and TX again (well, a little bit!) -Tammy

  4. This is a great post. I've never been to Texas so it was fun seeing all the sights on your blog. Looks like you had a great time.

