Saturday, July 10, 2010

LePage Threshing days 2010

What a beautiful day we had in eastern Jefferson City.
The turn out for the steam engine show was bigger than last year.
The blacksmith and his friend Terry were ready to show their wares.
Our booth is ready for business.

The lunch whistle goes off.

Homemade ice cream being made with an antique hit and miss engine.

Rick Wilbers brings in a load of wheat.

Tyler LePage, tries his hand at forging.

Lunch is served under this big old oak tree.

A real nice tractor, if only it were red.


  1. All along I thought Lepage was a town. So this is put on by a family? Looks like a wonderful day! Homemade ice cream.. yum :) -T

  2. Jim just said it would have been more fun to go to threshing days rather than the wedding. But ya do what ya gotta do!

    You definitely had a good day for it.

  3. Looks like it was a perfect day. You know I love that horse-drawn cart (and homemade ice cream, of course!)

  4. I would have much rather done the LePage Threshing Days than the baby shower!
