Sunday, July 11, 2010

Rain lilies

These rain lilies have been around for years. The blacksmith's grandmother had them. Martha Mary Monat has been gone since 1974. His mother Delphine had a start of them and shared with us years ago.

The lilies need to be taken in over the winter months for a much needed rest. I usually start watering them about March. After the danger of frost is over, I pull them outside.

This is what they looked like yesterday evening. The day before we had received about 2 inches of rain.

This is what they look like this morning. Now you know why they are named rain lilies.


  1. I have never heard of them or seen them, but they are absolutely beautiful.

  2. What a gorgeous color they are! I have heard of them, but don't have any. What a family history you have with them, too.

  3. I have never heard of rain lillies. They are absolutely beautiful!

  4. Love that color! Never heard of 'em either, but they're really cool.

  5. I've never heard of these either?

    They look similiar to a pink lily my neighbor gave me, but was left at the old house. :-(

  6. I've never heard of rain lilies but they're gorgeous!

  7. I second that! They are BEAUTIFUL!!
