Thursday, December 16, 2010

Baby it's cold outside

Here in Mid-Missouri it has been darn cold.

Our geothermal unit keeps our house toasty warm. To top the heating unit off, we have panels walls wrapped around our timber frame, that are 4 inches of styrofoam encased on both side in OSB. It stays a constant 72 degrees inside. Yet I feel the need to add another blanket on the bed.

My layering goes like this; sheet, white flannel blanket, and a quilt. The first is a quilt made by the blacksmith's grandmother. It was given to him before we were married in 1970. I think it's a version of a postage stamp quilt.

I next layered my Aunt Faye quilt. You can read all about it here. It is a beautiful Dresden plate that she hand appliqued and hand quilted for her BFF. RIP Aunt Faye, I miss you.

Last I put my red, white, and blue quilt on. I made this quilt shortly after 9/11/2002. It is almost all paper pieced. It contains over 2500 pieces of fabric. It has 49 stars (I know there are 50 states, but I just didn't work it out that way), 3 eagles, many hearts and some checkerboarding. It too was hand quilted.

Now I think I will put on some flannel jammies and head for bed!


  1. Wow! Each one is so impressive!!! I love that so many generations in the family loved to quilt!

  2. Oh wow...stay comfy and warm@@@ Love the quilts!!

  3. Sleeping under quilts made by the hands of three different women in your family--that is so unique! I can imagine you think of each of them as you lie so toasty warm under their creations.

    But, man, 3 quilts to keep warm on top of 72 degrees! It must be cold in Missouri! LOL.

  4. Beautiful quilts Patti - and a treasure to be sure for who made them. But three would hurt my toes. :) I love having one but I think my feet must be super sensitive as I get older! blessings, marlene

  5. Dang girl! I love your quilts. And it has been so darn cold. We finally began (and almost finished) our Christmas shopping today.

    Need to get together with you and the Blacksmith this coming week to get a keychain. Will there be an afternoon you plan to visit your mom? Maybe you guys can head on out this way and have a little wine and cheese before heading home.

  6. I know what you mean by wanting to layer on the's a necessity here in WI where it's been in the minus temps for over a week.BRRRRRR
    BlessYourHeart and StayToasty

  7. Aren't you tired of these autumn temperatures? It's been really cold up north here in Minnesota too. But next week we'll have winter...... maybe it will warm up a bit!

    Love the quilts, but three? I don't know about that! I'm with Marlene, it would hurt my feet!
