Wednesday, February 2, 2011

More on the same subject

And the fun continues . . .

I still love snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Its really pretty!

    Although that looks like a lot of shoveling!

  2. Very pretty.. but I'm not feeling the snow love right now ;) Love your pictures though! Stay safe and warm! -Tammy

  3. I'm with Tammy..I'm not feeling the love snow much right now. It is cold out there this morning!!!! Brrrrrrr

    We are going to try to get on the road today. They finally shoveled the drive by hand. What a job!

    Hope you made it safe to work this morning.

  4. Ha! and it's a good thing! : )

    Very pretty and I love your header photo!

  5. Hi Patti, did you have to get out in this -25 wind chill weather and go to work today? I'm with the others in that I'm not feeling the love for snow either! Enough already! Be careful and stay warm.

    PS I wish I could answer your question about the Co-op but my hubby wants me to remain as anonymous as I can. My children don't want me to mention names or publish recent photos either. I don't know why I put up with this secretive bunch, but I guess I'll keep them...even if they are a big pain sometimes! :D Maybe someday they'll change their minds.

  6. I am happy to report that our snow is GONE!!! The sun is here for a brief visit and we are loving every minute of it.

    PS. I always wondered about that animal cracker thing myself. I think I will look it up.

  7. This snow is still beautiful. Though those rascally birds, squirrels and rabbits are making tracks all over the place.

    And we've have a number of 'snow days' which means no obligations other to stay home and enjoy.

    Snow is good . . . . .
    however, Patti, this could change if we get any measurable snow before this melts.


  8. Patti, we are enjoying the pleasant drive through Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas, where there is no snow compared to what we have in Minnesota! We've had over 60 inches this winter, most of it still on the ground!

    Your pictures are very nice, yes, pretty. I love snow pictures! and yes, I still love snow! Just this year it's become a bit much. but then, Mesa had 27 this morning, so maybe we're not gaining much by going to Arizona!

  9. Wow! That's a heaping helping of snow! Stay warm!

  10. Oh I love snow too! We have had 2 big snows-nothing like what you have but big for us and I would love to have more. The only drawback is here it closes everything down so business wise it is a bad thing. On the other hand being at home is a wonderful thing.

  11. Thanks for dropping by my blog..I think yours is great! Brrr...lots of snow, huh? Its warm here in the high 60s and sunny....
