Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Scenes from Blizzard day 1

See you guys after we contine to dig out!


  1. Yikes!!! We really lucked out this time, just rain and fog. Stay safe and warm!

  2. I just came in from outside. Jim and his brother is trying to dig us out. That darn snow is up to my knees! Impossible.

    I want Spring! NOW!

    Stay safe and warm.

  3. Been there, done it... still doing it. *sigh*

    Package today or tomorrow unless snow holds it up.

  4. Well, we got our snow day but we sure didn't get that much snow!

  5. The fella that was supposed to blade the snow at our house didn't show. Nice of him to let us know so we could line up someone else! Grrr. I'm so ready for spring and grass to mow and heat to complain about. :D Take care and stay safe!

  6. Wow amazing pictures, stay safe and warm :o)

  7. We aren't even trying to dig out.
    Made a path for the dog and we are sitting tight. Our road hasn't even been plowed. After it is plowed we will call someone to do the drive way. Loving it. Getting a few craft things made.

  8. hope you got all dug out. this has been quite a year for blizzards. we have had alot of snow here in utah but just 1 blizzard, i think. hope you are all safe and warm!

  9. I too have enjoyed mostly. I felt sorry for hubby having to do so much digging. He and a friend took their tractors and went out to save the world early the next day. They worked until almost 9 that night and got most of the neighbors. It was exciting to watch it all play out and facebook was the best. I think I was online all day. I just stopped doing everything that day and walked the floors, eat, cooked, eat some more and played and talked on the computer oh and took a lot of pictures.
