Monday, October 10, 2011

A mother and her baby

It's been deer season here since Friday, well it ends tonight. It was a special urban hunt, whatever that means. The blacksmith was hunting on his home place now owned by the favorite BIL that I've talked about before. Favorite BIL was gone fishing this weekend. Yes farmers get some R and R too.

While the blacksmith was walking in the woods, from his deer stand he saw this cow giving birth, it looked as if she might be in trouble. We went back a couple of hours later to see if everything was okay.

This is what we found.

And there is a reason, I am showing only the front of the cow. Thank you very much.


Nap time now. It's been a hard morning!

Looks at these beautiful spoons! Would you like to win them?  Just visit Down on the farm's blog.


  1. oooh, what a thing to see.. So glad it worked out ok.

  2. I soooo understand the head-shot of the new mama and her sweet little dumplin' Heeehehe!

    God bless ya and enjoy this beautiful week sweetie!!! :o)

  3. cute. Did BT get a deer for the freezer?

  4. You two got a little dose of cattle ranching, eh? Glad everyone's okay! -Tammy

  5. Isn't that amazing. Wow. And thank you very much for a frontal view only. It is much appreciated!
