Monday, October 3, 2011

What's been going on in my neighborhood?

Well last friday we canned pinto beans. I've talked about this before if you want the recipe go here. We always use the pressure canner or the water bath canner out in the garage.  So I snuck this picture of what the husband does while he babysits the canners. He surfs in the garage. Thanks to the son we now have a wireless router. Thanks Jeremy, Dad can now surf on the deck, at the kitchen island, the garage, the recliner, and he's not tried the shop yet, but that will be next!

My neighbor Maggie called me over friday, she said she had some fabric for me.  It didn't take me long to hop over, anytime free fabric is involved I get in a hurry. The stack above is in beautiful earthly colors. She had them leftover from a quilt she made. I'm sure with my stash I can make a full size top.

And this pile!!! I remember when she purchased this fabric, it was for a grandson. It includes a panel of the world map. It includes red quilt backing, and all the extras to make a full size top. She had even cut some squares and strips to get started, and then they changed colors in his room.

Thank goodness for neighbors like Maggie!

And then my boys came. They cut down 4 very tall walnut trees along the upper garden. We found that not much grows under Walnut trees. Had we cut the trees, they could have fallen into the power lines. The Electric Coop will take them down when the lines are in the way. You see I work for the Electric Cooperative and for years the blacksmith has referred to the linemen as my boys. Some are young enough to be my sons. One that cut the trees could have been my brother in law, he dated my sister back in the 70's, but then he married her best friend. LOL

And on a final note, I got all 17 windows washed yesterday and today. Now it's time for a glass of wine. Okay, maybe a bottle!


  1. Seventeen windows must be a record of some sort.
    happy autumn, Patti

  2. I've been noticing my windows need washing AGAIN. Maybe if I close the blinds I can wait til spring...

    I've never considered canning pinto beans. The sure are good, though.

    We've had the coop take down a few trees for us too. I'm glad "your boys" got the walnut trees down for you. Things definitely do not grow under walnut trees. Do you have plans for the wood?

  3. Girl, it looks like you done went and won the fabric lottery. I love those earthy tones and the bright colors just scream...happy!

    No truer words were ever spoke...nothin' grows under walnut trees. I was raised in Stockton, MO...'The Walnut Capital of the World'!!!

    God bless ya sweetie!!!

  4. Your son must be a very generous and giving person.

  5. 17 windows--you do indeed deserve an entire bottle!

  6. You must have the best stocked (and most diverse) home canned pantry in the state. If we run out of vittles this winter.. I know where we'll head! -T

  7. You are a busy lady. All that canning, sewing, and working at the Elec. Coop, and finding time to wash 17 windows, too! How do you do it all? Have a super weekend!

  8. Wow-sounds like you've been as busy as I have : ) Glad you got so much done!
