Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My friends are in my new book!!

My friend Tammy at Flat Creek Farm talked about a new Barn quilt book a few weeks ago. Here's her story!

As soon as I read her post, I went and ordered the book. I even got a personally signed first edition by Suzi.

I don't make much time to read. So week before last, when we took the camper out for a few days the book went along with me. 

About 8 o'clock one night I was reading the book. I came to page 53 and I saw another friends name, Jeri Landers of Hopalong Hollow Gazette. If that name sounds familiar, it's because I have a couple of her prints. Here's my story

Dang, had I known that when I ordered, I would have had Suzi include it on the inscription!

Back to my book to see how many more of my friends are in the book!

P. S. If you are interested in ordering the book, Tammy has a link on her blog. Suzi Parron, the author, can also be found on facebook under Barn Quilts and the American Quilt trail.


  1. That looks like a great book! And wow...Jeri's work is amazing! :0)

  2. Yee haw! Aren't you loving this book?! I keep going back to it. And, because of your heads up (on my birthday!!).. I found a new wonderful blog to follow (Jeri's). Love the picture of you, so absorbed, in the book :D Cute!! Thanks for the shout outs too. It is a great book! -Tammy

  3. I'll have to check it out, it sounds interesting! Thanks for the info!


  4. I will have to look for this book! I love quilt barns!

  5. How exciting to see the names of your blog friends in the book. I will have to check out Jeri's work.
