Monday, August 6, 2012

Osage Bend Picnic 2012 and QUILTS

Sunday we watched the 3 grands while their parents worked at their church picnic. After nap time we went to have dinner with them and enjoy the festivities.

The meal is the best, fried chicken, roast beef, real mashed potatoes (the son helped peel them), green beans, yummy cucumber salad, cole slaw, applesauce, and pick your own dessert, all served family style.   Can you tell what Ms Lizzie picked?  She really enjoyed the icing on her cupcake.

It was then onto the games. Alex tried his hand a bean bag toss.

Lizzie some how wormed her way into buying a Popsicle. 

The grounds weren't too crowded until about 4 in the afternoon. 

We even went fishing.

Here the son and family are  enjoying a beautiful day in the country. Notice the yellow bag?  If was full of the goodies the kids won. Brady won a Missouri University T-shirt. It might fit him by the time he goes to college too.

I took pictures of the quilts that were auctioned off. Sorry it's hard to get good pictures under a small tent.

Life is good!


  1. Cute pics of the kids. They looked like they really enjoyed themselves. That video of the quilts was cool. I've never tried to video anything with my camera yet. Is it hard?

  2. Looks like you had a really fun time. Love time spent with those grands!

  3. Beautiful family, lovely quilts.. and great video (love the music choice ♥) perfect day! -Tammy

  4. Great fun, nothing better than time with the grandchildren:)
