Sunday, August 5, 2012

Tip of the day(s)

How to keep herbs fresh.

I purchased this cilantro 7/25.  I had seen on Pinterest how to keep some herbs fresh.  I first cut all the stems off  about an inch. I then stood them up in a glass of cool water and put a plastic bowl cover over it. Refrigerate them.

Here it is 12 days later. Still fresh enough to use. This is the longest I have kept it. Mine usually gets soggy and moldy in the plastic bag from the produce isle. 

Don't you just love Pinterest???!?!?!


  1. Thanks for the tip. I usually kill my cilantro in two days!

  2. This is a great tip! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Yes, Pinterest is pretty nice and a real time consumer.

  4. Have used that tip for parsley equally well. Thanks for the reminder, especially now that fresh herbs are so plentiful!

  5. I spent much of yesterday on Pinterest with my almost 15 year old granddaughter. It was fun seeing the things she is interested in. So far I haven't spent much time on Pinterest, other than that. I think I'm scared of getting hooked on yet another thing!

    Thanks for the Cilantro tip. Mine usually doesn't stay around long enough to wilt. I love my Pico de gallo!

  6. Thanks for the tip, excellent to know...fresh herbs are hard to keep fresh! I am growing to love Pinterest too:)
