Monday, October 29, 2012

Eureka Springs Arkansas trip

This time last week we arrived in Eureka Springs, Arkansas for a little R & R.

We set up at Kettle campground.  If you ever need a great place to park your RV, I highly recommend them. 

I've been trying to get the blacksmith to make a bottle tree. Not for me, but to sell at the craft shows. This one was across from us. I do love the cobalt blue bottles though!

The Indians were camped near by . . . not really you can rent it.

Eureka Springs has the most historic buildings. Of course I found the quilt shop right off the bat. It's wasn't the type of shop I had thought it would be. No fabric or supplies for sale, just quilts, duh!

New Orleans Hotel, and spa too.

Rose Cottage

Another B & B. There are so many beautiful historic buildings and homes. There is no way to photograph them all in just a few days.  

An empty store, but the building was so neat!

The Crescent hotel from across the hill.

Crescent Hotel . . . has quite a history. Granny Mountain did a post just today about it. 

Here is the impressive Christ of the Ozarks statue. At this same area they put on an outdoor play.

We then found Thorncrown Chapel.  I-M-P-R-E-S-S-I-V-E!!!

It's open to the public.  They only ask for a donation. They ask you to come in and sit. You are only allowed to take pictures from the sitting position. 

It was the most awesome seat I've ever had in a church.

This is a must see if you visit the area.

Come back another day and I will show you a few more things in the area.


  1. Looks like so much fun...I love it there!


  2. We were there a year ago, and loved it! But I was so disappointed in the quilt fabric! Looks like it was a lot more fun than our weekend trip to Grand Forks, ND! Although the quilt shop in East Grand Forks loved my visit!!!

  3. I love Eureka Springs - haven't been is several years but it's always a favorite of mine. There is a small fabric shop (or was last time I was there) out of town a little ways. It was a combination tv repair/fabric shop. :) blessings, marlene

  4. Loved the photos...especially "Rose Cottage"!!! Beautiful area!

  5. I love Eureka Springs; it's where Shane and I were married. I have been there several times in my life and although it's the same, it's also different each time.

    We've read about Kettle Campground. Maybe we'll have to give it try.

  6. I love Eureka Springs, haven't been in years (grew up in AR, family lives there). Even took my Montana cowboy there once.

  7. Beautiful pictures, looks like you had a fun time! There used to be 2 quilt shops, another one just across and next to the spa store. It did have fabric, but I'm not sure it's still there. There is a great quilt shop in Fayetteville AR. that my Mother in law loves. I can't think of the name of it either... I'm a whole lot of help, arent' I?!!! Oh well, you found your way just fine! Thanks for the mention of yesterday's post, a re-run but too good not to share again! Did you make it over to Crystal Bridges Museum in Bentonville? So much to see there now!

  8. Beautiful place! When we finally made it to AR just a few years ago, I was amazed at what a lovely state it is (not sure what I was expecting?). Nice trip! -Tammy

  9. I bought the quilt we have on our bed right now at that quilt store. Just fell in love with it at first sight. Es is always a fun place to go. I'd love to see the Passion Play.
