Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Happy 35th Birthday SON!


It's hard to believe that 35 years ago today I gave birth to this 8 pound bundle of joy. What a joy after 7 years of marriage. (And hard to believe I was that skinny too!)

Seem he always liked a sip of something more than milk.

 I just threw this picture in because I love it!

So on your birthday today son, have a sip of your favorite liquor today!

And have a Happy 35th Birthday, Love you!


  1. I can't believe you look that good right after giving birth!

    My son is also 35 (Aug.1) and he was 8 lbs. 1 oz.

  2. Such a great post! Happy B'day!!!

  3. The smile on your face is priceless:) I love my daughter's birthdays, not only to celebrate their life but remembering the pure joy the exact moment they were born! I always think "happy birthday day to me:)"! So happy birthing day to you!!!

  4. Hope your son had a Happy Birthday! My son is also 35 and he weighed 8 lbs 8 1/2 oz. His dad was so happy to hear "it's a boy" so he wasn't outnumbered by girls!

  5. Wonderful pics (BT's hair... sign of the times!) Belated Happy B-day to your son from us! -Tammy

  6. You are still that skinny!

    Happy birthday to that son of yours!
