Wednesday, November 26, 2014

4 weeks out!?!

I've been down.  For 4 weeks I was not well.

I was tested for Mono, tested for strep, had a cat scan on my neck, had a scope put down my nose and throat. . . 4 doctor visits to 3 different doctors, 4 different prescriptions, and in the end I was diagnosed with a virus. The last doctor said he would not rule out internal shingles, which I had suspected for the last two weeks of treatments. (Thank you very much family Dr Larraine). I even put it out on facebook asking my peeps if any of them had ever had internal shingles. Stitchin by the Lake from Arkansas told me her sister, who lives in my town had them. I went straight to the phone and dialed Sherry up. Yep my symptoms and hers matched. Oh to have blogging friends!!

Internal shingles are hard to diagnose and there is really no treatment if not caught early. Symptoms are swollen lymph glands, ear pain, fever, swollen throat, lack of energy, and lost of appetite, all of which I had. I lost 12 pounds the first two weeks. When you can't swallow, the weight drops off quickly. It can last 3-5 weeks.

Today is the 4 week mark and I am on the road to recovery. So today for the first time in 30 days, I thought I'd try a cup of Mocha cappuccino.

Well, my daughter was afraid I'd be climbing the walls with a caffeine buzz!

Don't worry, I got not even half of it down and decided it just wasn't what I wanted. I tell you I had been addicted to them.  I'd drink one every day and some times two. Maybe that craving is now long gone. It's a good thing.

I have so much blogging to catch up on. Today is the first time I have been on my big computer for more than 10 minutes at a time.

I have to tell you about the quilt I made for the wedding that I talked about in my last post, about more sewing machines, about Deer camp 2014, and then there's Thanksgiving tomorrow. I will get back to blogging ASAP.

Today, I have child labor helping . . .

Here's hoping to a happy healthy Thanksgiving to all my blogging friends!


  1. I,m just glad you are getting your strength back and feeling better. Welcome back !

  2. i'm glad to hear you are finally on the mend!!

  3. So glad you are doing better. Here's to a complete recovery.. and soon!

    Your pretty little helper is growing up too fast! -T

  4. Great that you are on the mend. Hope you're back to drinking those cappuccino's soon. Happy Thanksgiving to you and the blacksmith. OBTW, I love that cup.

  5. Yuk!! Glad to hear you are on the mend. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  6. Happy to know you are doing better, just in time for Thanksgiving! May your recouperation be quick.

  7. I'm so glad you're feeling better - and just in time for the holidays. :) blessings, marlene
