Monday, November 3, 2014

A BUSY weekend!!

I'm a little late in posting the excitement we had a week and a half ago. A sinus infection with an ear ache has me laying low. I'm tired of being under the weather for 5 days and counting.

On Friday morning the blacksmith and I picked up our Florida family at the St Louis airport. They were coming in for a 4 day visit. 

They were also going to surprise the blacksmith's big family at his niece's wedding the following day. 

The first thing we did on Friday afternoon was start baking pies for the wedding. I had 7 to make.

Then I sneaked in a surprise visit for both Jessica and Sarah. They grew up together, rode the bus together, and spent many days playing at each other's house. They also got married a week apart and shared wedding decorations.

Jess wanted me to do some sewing for her, so I told her to bring the fabric over Friday afternoon. We were all outside enjoying the beautiful Florida like weather in Missouri when Jess drove up. It was fun seeing the two them together with their boys. They hadn't seen each other in several years.

Connor and Lizzie were enjoying the nice big ball for a long time. That is until someone dropped it on the metal pinwheel you can just barely see in the back ground. So much for that ball.

However, uncle Jeremy stopped and got Connor a new one later in the day.

Alex got tired of standing I guess?

Connor a.k.a. "muscle man" loved playing outside. You have to love those red checks!

On Saturday night, he had to show Grandma how he can feed himself Greek yogurt.

On Saturday morning he had to watch Micky in his Micky pajamas.

Soon it was wedding time.

Here is the blacksmith's niece, Callie. She was beautiful!  She graduates in December with a textile and apparel management degree. She has already landed a job in Florida with Chicos!

Notice the beautiful flowers behind them and around them!  There were so many mason jars and the big tin planter. They were just beautiful. I am going to have to ask Father Medina what was so funny.

The wedding had a rustic theme. The bride's family made most of the decorations. Notice the cupcake holder?  It was made from planks of old wood. The wedding cake was just for the bride and groom.  It was small. Along with my 7 apples pies, there were also 7 pumpkin and 7 peach pies.

This was the wedding party table. Notice the handmade votive candle lights. It was decorated with grapevines and pearls. The back drop is many yards of ribbons and fabrics cut into strips, and shirred on one long rod.
Here is Rusty, Sarah, Connor, and Grandma Wieberg. Oh I almost forgot baby bump!!! Yes they are expecting #2 in April!!!

Another view of the head table.

There were even decorations on the bathroom doors. This was a picture of Callie when she was in her sister's wedding.

It was a great day!  So much fun seeing the look on everyone's faces when they saw Rusty and Sarah there!

On Sunday we did a big family dinner.
 Jeremy contributed way too many beautiful beef steaks to the dinner!

There was some of our fresh garden lettuce.

But before dinner it was time to take some family pictures. It's nice to have a daughter in law who is a professional. But then it made it a little hard to get her in the pictures, so we called my BFF (Jessica's mother) to fill in as photographer for the group shot.

I leave you with this one of the grands. This time next year there will be F-I-V-E

Life is good!


  1. That photo show was awesome!!! So many special family moments 'captured' for future remembrances. I almost feel like I was a guest, also!!!! It sounds like the guest list was a manageable size (w/0 the "normal" problem of crowd control!). Love the bridal table dec....and the whole down-to-earth feel!!! Yes, life is good...............hugs....

  2. Beautiful grandchildren and Callie was a stunning bride!

  3. Patti I don't think there is anything better than having family all together! The wedding decorations were amazing and I loved them all - especially the mason jars. But her dress...oh. my. goodness. Stunning! blessings, marlene

  4. Such a beautiful wedding party and lovely bride. All the preparations made this a very memorable event for your family, I'm sure.

  5. loved your family post beautiful wedding

  6. Wow. That was one busy weekend! Those pies made me hungry. I'm so glad your nasty infection waited until that weekend was behind you to appear. You were probably worn down from too little sleep! Great pictures. Love the family one.

  7. Planning a weekend trip with friends and families is great. Thanks!
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