Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Graduation day

Wednesday was my last radiation treatment,  20 treatments. On this day I thought I would be finished, sure I’m finished with treatment but cancer doesn’t stop there. I'm now dealing with the radiation burns. Yes I am cancer free, but not worry free, and  life goes on. 

Today was a follow-up with the surgeon, next week with the radiation oncologist . The following week there’s a doctor appointment with the cancer oncologist.   After that  there will be more frequent mammograms, there will be a daily pill to take for at least five years, and life goes on. 


There was a little ceremony  after my treatment, I was awarded this diploma.

 I was also given this guardian angel pin.


They had donated gifts from a husband and wife volunteer team. We chose this cute owl bird feeder.

I ordered this for myself, as I have learned you can't just go through breast cancer and forget about it. It's a sisterhood, I always be in. Life goes on.

I can't begin to thank so many people for all the cards, the gifts, the Masses, the hugs, the phone calls, the meals and unlimited supply of support. 

I have even received more cards after this picture was snapped!

And life goes on . . . a life time journey.

Sometimes the cards matched, these came from opposite ends of the state.

This was one one big honking card! One of many this gal sent!!!!

There were many viral reality card sent via the internet by lots of you all. 

I also want to ask for prayers for my friends with the big C. Cathy was just finishing her 6th and last round of chemo, next will be surgery and radiation. The blacksmith and I always dropped in on her and Jerry when our days corresponded. 

There's Valerie, Vicki, Caleb, Charlotte, Geralyn, and Cathy's niece Sarah that need prayers. 

Life goes one . . .

Back to our regular quilting blog.

This I made for one of my daughter's bffs from high school. Holly is expecting her first child.  It was fun to catch up at her baby shower. I even facetimed Sarah so they could see each other.

Sunday April 14th, we woke up to this S N O W.  But hang on it's Missouri and tomorrow the forecast is for 73 high and 80 degrees the next day. 

Life. . . . it's always an adventure.  


  1. Yes life goes on. Each day is a gift. May we use it to love hard on our family and friends and to bring glory to God. My prayers are with you Patti. Let’s get together for lunch one day. Big hug my friend !! Praying this is behind you FOR GOOD !!!!

  2. Congratulations on finishing the course. You did it with faith and grace. You're my hero. I'm joining 'Down On The Farm' in praying this is behind you FOR GOOD!!!

  3. I love you so much. You’ve encouraged me more than you will ever know. Prayers always. And yes. Life goes on.

  4. Congratulations on being cancer free! I'll never get to hear those words but i'm so happy that you got to! :0)
