Friday, April 26, 2019

We now return to our regular scheduled programming

Last Thursday, Kathy, Eric and Colten delivered these beautiful flowers. They have lasted over a week!

On Saturday our son Jeremy, grandson Alex, and two of their friends spent the entire day on the Osage River. Morels were the only thing biting. They picked over 500!

Easter was celebrated with a delicious meal.

This was a pan full of Bernie's delicious fried chicken.

My Danish Twist is a must every Easter. 

The little grandsons in Florida had a big Easter, so much so that they took an early nap on the sofa. Sure missed visiting those guys this April. #cancer treatments

On Thursday I had my last doctor visits!  Dr Allen promoted me to the head of the class. 

I am now doctor free for SIX MONTHS!

I want to say thank you to everyone who called, sent notes, sent gifts, prayed, brought food, gave me endless hugs and cheered me on. It is great having you all for family and friends. 

I now consider myself a cancer survivor and cancer free. God is Good!

Back to the quilting.

I pieced this king size quilt for Margaret. My friend Brenda quilted it. She paid attention to the  patterns as to not cross my designs.

Here on the back you can get a better idea of the designs. 

This is my donation to the Blacksmith Association of Missouri auction next week. I pieced it and hand quilted it. My friend Deanna did the machine embroidery.

The church ladies finished hand quilting Elvis. It will be auctioned August 4th, at St. Margaret's Church Osage Bend, just outside of Jefferson City, Missouri!

Life is good!


  1. So glad to see this !!! Thank you Lord !!! Hugs my friend !!! We need to plan that blogger get together 😊!!!

  2. Good news! Good news! Indeed, God is Good.
