Friday, December 31, 2021

365 block challenge quilt is completely pieced

Here it is all pieced.

If I have the counted correctly my quilt has 11,180 pieces in it!! It finished out at 84 by 105 inches. 

Since January 1, 2021, I have worked on this weekly. I could hardly wait until every Friday morning to receive the email containing the 7 blocks of the week.  Every block is different, no 2 alike. They start as 3 1/2 inches and when sewed together make a nice little 3-inch square block. 

I purchased the program to make this quilt from Sentimental Stitches. It is a technique called paper piecing.  I ran the patterns off onto tracing paper, and then sewed through the paper, then removing it before sewing the blocks together. 

 I believe Gay is offering this pattern again for 2022 if you hurry!

This is the fabric I used the most of.  It's a bolt of fabric I purchased from a friend when his wife, who was an expert quilter died.  It's very old, only 36 inches wide. I would cut off a couple of yards, wash and dry it and iron it before I used it in the quilt. I did not wash the colored fabric. 

I sewed the entire quilt on this Singer model 206 K machine. It was manufactured in 1953, a year after I was born. It's beautiful with a domed case.  It's the first vintage black zig-zag machine I have acquired. 

I posted pictures to my Facebook account and most times to my Instagram account of the 7 blocks of the week. It was always hard to show the actual size. Sometimes I used coins for references. 

This is the very first week!

It's always fun to look at the back. 

Here's a close-up back view. 

I liked this one, notice I fussy cut the star to be in the middle. 

Of all 365 blocks this one had been picked probably as most people's favorite.  A square in a square.

A good block to embroider the year it was pieced.

This block contained 65 pieces of fabric. I thought that would be the most.  However, the following week, one came with 68 pieces of fabric. 


68 pieces of fabric in one 3-inch block!!!!

This is maybe my favorite block.  Something about it looking round, I guess.

There's always lots of tiny pieces of paper everywhere. I use tracing paper to print my patterns on. 

Now I need to get it in the frame, and I will be hand quilting it. My plan is to quilt around every 3-inch block. 

Life is good.

Now on to the next adventure, thank you Sentimental Stitches, the next project is 4 1/2 blocks!


  1. Patti, that quilt is amazing! It's a work of art--so antique looking, I love it! You did a great job, it looks so square!!

  2. Also, how do I find you on Facebook?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hour great to be mentioned by Missouri Folk Arts Program!
